By David J. West
In the past, I’ve written some weird horror books, and so naturally I was tagged to write The Glauerdoom Moor, which is set in this creepy-themed area. To start, I had some fun playing Super Dungeon Explore with my brother and our kids. Then I started thinking about how to make a story out of the adventure and how to bring that all to life. I liked planning out the book a bit beforehand, even if just in my mind. I pondered what the story would be about and what might be some exciting scenes, kind of like a movie in my head. Then I sat down to write.
Writing this book was a lot of fun, but it was difficult trying not to reveal too much of what I knew would happen later. I liked following my main character Sai, a riftling rogue, and hearing her snark in my head. I enjoyed exploring the idea that she didn’t want to go on this journey. As I wrote, I learned alongside her about the history and loss that had occurred in the places she walked. If there’s one character that I relate to most, it would be her. She and I can be very disagreeable to authority.
I was excited to show more about the history of the Moor itself and the wizard Ikalos. It was also a lot of fun to play around with places like Stilt Town and throw a big battle there with Gruesome George and all of the townies. I want the fans to know that there is always another surprise around every corner. You never know where a new enemy or friend might come from!
One of the funny things about writing is that, even though you’re the one in control, your characters can still surprise you. Take Von Wilding, for example; I didn’t know he would find a love interest on the journey!
Villains like Von Drakk are also a big focus of the story. Coming up with a clever way to defeat the Shamble Priest was a lot of fun and helped bring in another character’s arc.
I hope my book finally, once and for all, answers the question of who is the best character to play as!
About the Author:
David J. West writes dark fantasy and weird westerns because the voices in his head won’t be quiet until someone else can hear them. He is a great fan of sword and sorcery, ghosts, and lost ruins, so of course, he lives in Utah with his wife and children.
This is part 4 of a 6 part series.
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