In August, Future House Publishing announced our new five-book series based in the world of Super Dungeon. Since that announcement, we’ve had tons of feedback from fans of the game. It’s been so great to hear from you all and see how excited you are about this new series!
Your voices were clear. The vast majority of you were interested in a preorder, so that’s what we’ve decided to do.
Here is how it will work:
The preorder will be open for 30 days. During that month, fans can order copies of all five books, plus sets of miniatures. After that time, we will immediately begin production of the books and minis. In ten to twelve weeks, all preorders will be in the hands of their brand new owners. This will give us time to print the books, finish the mini manufacturing, and ship the products out.
The preorder will include the following tiers:
This preorder is only going to be available for a short time, but the books will not disappear forever. Starting in June 2019, the first Super Dungeon book will be available in print and on digital wherever books are sold. The books will come out one by one every few months, and fans can purchase them anytime in their favorite format. Subscribe to find out when your book will be released!
From Quiz Results:
How will minis be manufactured? Is Soda Pop/Ninja Division involved in the manufacturing process?
Soda Pop/Ninja Division initially provided us with the designs for the minis, so they are in true Super Dungeon fashion. Now that we have the completed designs, however, Soda Pop/Ninja Division is no longer involved in the mini manufacturing process. As a publishing company, our speciality is books, not resin. But fans can rest assured we will be using an established manufacturing company with experience in making mini figures and with the ability to manufacture the minis in this set timeline. We are already set up for production with this company. Proofs are on the way. We can’t wait to show them to you once they arrive.
Are these books canon lore?
Yes, these books are canon. We went through extensive research and study guides provided by Soda Pop/ND, and all of our plots and characters are approved. We include characters that fans know and love (Midnight Queen, Nyan-Nyan the Chaos Kitty, the Princesses, etc.) and are true to the board games.
Who are the books for?
As for our target audience, these books are for all age groups. They are “smart” Middle Grade, which means that younger ages will enjoy the series, but the writing and content does not exclude older fans.
What kind of a publisher is Future House Publishing?
Future House publishes award-winning, best selling science fiction, fantasy and children’s books. We love good storytelling.
Why are you releasing this series when Soda Pop has an unfulfilled Super Dungeon KS?
This has been a common concern we have heard expressed since announcing the SD series. We originally approached Soda Pop Miniatures two years ago with the business proposal to write a five-book series in the world of Super Dungeon. The books took some time to write and coordinate, and by the time they were ready to release, the Super Dungeon KS had hit some snags. It’s been over a year since then and we don’t feel like we can delay any longer; it would be unfair to our authors (and their fans). Fans can rest assured that the Soda Pop teams have finished their contributions to this project, and this book series and/or minis will not be dependent on any part of that Kickstarter.
What about my previous Super Dungeon purchases?
We are not involved in any previous SD projects. For any questions about fulfillment for previous SD purchases, please direct your questions to
Can I purchase ebooks by themselves?
This is a special, early release of these books as a five-book series with limited edition minis. For now, we are focusing on the physical copies of both books and minis as a special shoutout to SD fans before we release to the general public. Starting in June 2019, we will be releasing the ebooks and printed versions of this series. The release times will be spaced out every few months, with book five closing it out in June 2020. At this time, we will not be offering ebooks for individual sale, but they will be available on Amazon and other major online distributors as they release in the next two years.
Can I purchase extra minis later on?
This is a limited edition printing. Sales will depend on how long supplies last. The only sure way to get minis is to get them now.
Will you offer refunds?
At Future House, happy readers are a top priority. We commit ourselves to being a trustworthy, quality-producing company. To ensure accountability, we will be offering refunds up until shipping begins. We will post updates to our social media and our blog to keep customers aware of production as it occurs.
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